William Henry, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker Certified Nature Informed Therapist

Incorporating the strength, peace, and tranquility of nature into psychotherapy.

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Nature Informed Therapy Services for Adolescents and Adults

William Henry provides psychotherapy to adolescents, young adults, and adults that struggle with their mental and emotional health. Along with traditional talk therapy, he utilizes nature as a co-therapist. Experiences in nature can assist in improving your overall well-being and increase your satisfaction in relationships with others, your environment, as well as yourself.

Will's holistic approach addresses your immediate issues and concerns, together with your past experiences and relationships, trusting you to be the expert in your own life. This garners a strong partnership from which to begin the exploration process. Will works collaboratively with you, tackling obstacles, both internal and external, concrete and unconscious, on the path to fulfillment and discovering your true, authentic self.

Will believes that nature is healing, and can add a layer of both strength and peace to the often difficult task of facing your challenges. Becoming certified as a Nature Informed Therapist helped him expand his knowledge base, adding a more scientific point of view to his already thorough understanding of nature and its benefits to our physiological and psychological well-being. As a lifelong outdoor enthusiast, Will has developed a deep connection with nature and loves the opportunity to share that with others.

My Approach

Holistic, client-centered point of view

My client’s needs are multi-faceted and deserve to be viewed through a lens that incorporates all your experiences and relationships because it’s those experiences and relationships that makeup who you are. We are not alone in this world. We are social beings who make connections with people, animals, and our environment. Sometimes those connections can be damaging or in need of repair. While brief, solution-focused interventions can be very beneficial, much of the time there are also deeper issues that need to be addressed so that we stop returning to the same maladaptive coping strategies we are used to relying on. By working collaboratively, we can root out the underlying issues and help you live a more fulfilled life.

Rebuilding connections

As social beings, our lives are filled with connections. We engage with and relate to everyone and everything around us. As we make connections throughout our lives, our environment can play a role in how we interpret and engage with those relationships. Approaching interpersonal relationships from a calm, accepting state of mind produces healthier outcomes. Achieving that state of mind can be a tall order with the status of our world today. I offer a collaborative, warm, and safe space to share in, and, when appropriate, help the client borrow the strength, peace, and tranquility of nature to find their own strength and peace so that they might face their challenges from a different, more accepting point of view. The insight that nature can have into our own struggles, and the metaphors that align with how we see our challenges can be incredibly enlightening and elicit a kind of change that talk therapy in a traditional office has a more difficult time achieving in such a profound way.

Why incorporate nature into psychotherapy?

There is a substantial amount of research that shows the improvement interacting with nature can have on your psychological and physiological well-being. By integrating evidence-based, therapeutic interventions with experiences in nature, we are able to utilize the strength and peace of the natural world so that we might face our own challenges, both internally and relationally, from a place of acceptance rather than a place of judgment.

Relieving stress is an important issue to improve your health and quality of life. Many studies have reported the positive effects of time spent in natural environments, not just on relieving stress, but with issues such as anxiety, depression, grief and bereavement, PTSD, and others. In addition, there is evidence that experiencing natural environments improves working memory, cognitive flexibility, and attentional control in children and adolescents.

Unlike more concrete natural resources such as trees and clean water, these emotional resources can be endless. Nature Informed Therapy is a healthy and respectful way to utilize the natural world to our benefit, not to mention, a means to rebuild our once powerful connection to the natural world.

What does all this mean for me?

A connection with nature can help you revitalize and recharge your batteries, reduce stress, relieve anxiety and increase your sense of peace and self-acceptance. While any experience in nature can have a positive effect on your mood and overall well being, working with an experienced, nature informed therapist can help make more clear the work being done and intensify the benefits you are seeking. Reach out to learn more about these practices and how they can affect your life in a positive way.

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